Design Tiles

Design Tiles Pty Ltd is a premium Tile company provide quality tiles and services in Rockdale, Sydney. On the verge of the new year 2018, the company decided to redesign the existing website - without losing its products and contents as it had about 1200 products and several dozens of high-quality blog articles with several pages.


The main challenge of the website redesign was not to change the existing infrastructure so that we can keep all URLs and contents same as before so that we could keep up with existing SEO campaigns and keep track of organic SEO.

Design Tiles Website on Desktop

Design Tiles Website in Desktop


Design Tiles Product Category Page


Design Tiles Product Category Page


Extra Services Provided

As web design and development was the primary job, we provided the following services:

Project Gallery Development and Transfer

In the old website, all projects were on a single page as a gallery but we suggested to develop individualised projects with details and related images and galleries for each project. This is the best practice because the client was able to provide their works in details instead of a single image and its better option for search engine optimisation.

Product Images Resize

All the products on the old website were not in the same proportion and we optimised the product detail page to make the website more attractive.

SSL Certificate Installation

We managed the SSL certificate subscription and installation on behalf of the customer.

Google AdWords and Organic SEO

As the website had an ongoing Google AdWords campaign but nobody was tracking it. We helped to optimise the keywords, correct the links, remove the unnecessary ads etc on Google AdWords on behalf of the client.

We also provided basic search engine optimisation services in which we integrated Google Webmasters, Google Analytics, SEO Tools, fix and redirect the broken links and provided reports for the clients.

Design Tiles Product Detail Page


Design Tiles Product Detail Page


Design Tiles Homepage


Design Tiles Homepage Design

Design Tiles Pty Ltd
May 21, 2018
Web Design, WordPress, eCommerce
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